介绍西游记的英语作文 介绍西游记的英语作文60字

wasd8456 2024-09-06 6 0


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介绍西游记的英语作文 介绍西游记的英语作文60字
  1. 写一篇介绍《西游记》的英语短文词数不少于八十?
  2. 用英语复述西游记带译文?
  3. 怎样写英语西游记故事开头?


ourney to the West is the first Romantic chapter novel about gods and demons in ancient China.

There are 100 copies of Journey to the West published in the Ming Dynasty without the author's signature.

介绍西游记的英语作文 介绍西游记的英语作文60字

Wu Yuxuan, a scholar of the Qing Dynasty, first proposed that the author of Journey to the West was Wu Chengen of the Ming Dynasty.

This novel is based on the historical event of "Tang monk's taking sutras" and deeply depicts the social reality at that time through the author's artistic processing.

介绍西游记的英语作文 介绍西游记的英语作文60字

The book mainly describes Sun Wukong's birth and the h***oc of the he***enly palace. He met Tang Seng, Zhu Ba Jie and Sha Seng three people.

He tr***eled to the West for a long time. He passed the 99 and eighty-one difficulties.

Finally, he arrived at the western sky to see Buddha, and finally the story of five saints came true.


Journey to the West, written by Wu Chengen, tells the story of four monks and disciples who go to the Western He***en to get scriptures.西游记的作者是吴承恩,主要讲述和唐僧师徒4人,去往西天取经的故事


ourney to the West is the first Romantic chapter novel about gods and demons in ancient China.

There are 100 copies of Journey to the West published in the Ming Dynasty without the author's signature.

Wu Yuxuan, a scholar of the Qing Dynasty, first proposed that the author of Journey to the West was Wu Chengen of the Ming Dynasty.

This novel is based on the historical event of "Tang monk's taking sutras" and deeply depicts the social reality at that time through the author's artistic processing.

The book mainly describes Sun Wukong's birth and the h***oc of the he***enly palace. He met Tang Seng, Zhu Ba Jie and Sha Seng three people.

He tr***eled to the West for a long time. He passed the 99 and eighty-one difficulties.

Finally, he arrived at the western sky to see Buddha, and finally the story of five saints came true.



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