风筝节英语作文 潍坊国际风筝节英语作文

wasd8456 2024-06-22 26 0


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风筝节英语作文 潍坊国际风筝节英语作文
  1. 帮我用风筝(flying-kite)写一个两分钟左右的英文演讲?
  2. 如何制作风筝英语作文5句话?



1、fly a kite

风筝节英语作文 潍坊国际风筝节英语作文

2、fly kites【例句】1、Let’s head for the mountain and fly a kite. 我们去山上放风筝吧。2、What can You do in fall? I can fly kites. 秋天可以什么?我可以放风筝。3、Do you want to fly to kite? 你想去放风筝吗?4、Let's fly a kite together at the weekend! 这个周末我们一起去放风筝吧!5、Do you like flying a kite? 你喜欢放风筝吗?6、Sometimes my father takes me to fly kites. 有时候爸爸带我去放风筝。7、Li Ming is flying a kite now. 李明正在放风筝。8、Why do you like fall? Because I can fiy kites. 你为什么喜欢秋天?因为我可以放风筝。9、Spring is a good season to fly kites. You can fly your kites in the park, in the field or on the playground. 春天是放风筝的好季节,你可以去公园田野里或者操场上放风筝。10、What great fun it is to fly kites! 放风筝真有趣


1. To make a kite, you will need some materials, such as sticks, paper, string, and glue.

风筝节英语作文 潍坊国际风筝节英语作文


2. Start by cutting a piece of paper into the shape of your kite and glue the sticks together to form a frame.


3. Attach the paper to the frame with glue, le***ing a tail at the bottom for stability.


4. Tie a string to the top of the kite and another string to the bottom of the tail.


5. Finally, take your kite outside on a windy day and enjoy flying it in the sky.




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