做水果拼盘的作文400字 做水果拼盘的作文400字在学校
一天下午,写着作业的时候我感到很冷。于是我把取暖器打开。 我一边取暖一边写作业。等完成今天的任务后,我便随手拔掉了插头。然后去看电视了。因为我想起爷爷给我说的以前的日子。我决定以后以后都养成节约用电的好习惯。看了一会儿,妈妈叫我吃饭。我也关掉了电视,并关掉了电灯。然后再去吃饭。节约是一件很小的事也是举手之劳。比如关掉楼道的灯、拧紧水龙头等。节约也是一种美德,我们应该积极贯彻并发扬光大。
Electricity plays a very important role in our life today,we can not live without it.In our country,we h***e using it for about 50 years.But,we h***e to know,in the same time,a large part of it was wasted,it's polluted environment around us.as a student,we should like using the air-conditioner less often,turning off the light upon le***ing,reminding family members of the importance of s***ing electricity and so on.As a saying puts," Actions speak louder than words",please join in the action to s***e electricity,from Yourself,from now on.Action!