吹肥皂泡泡作文 吹肥皂泡泡作文300字
2、绿色环保的英语作文篇【6】As we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse /more and more seriously today。 Water is polluted, we h***e no clean water to drink。
3、保护环境英语作文高一80词1 Once man did not h***e to think about the protection of his environment。 There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited。
4、保护环境的英语作文(一): Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances。
6、保护环境的英语作文(十): In modern society, we tend to bee more and more aware of our living environment or physical environment, because we are not clean as before。
I hope everyone will protect our environment well。
保护环境的英语作文(一): Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances。
2、保护环境的英语作文(一): Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances。
3、保护环境的英语作文(十): In modern society, we tend to bee more and more aware of our living environment or physical environment, because we are not clean as before。
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