粗心的烦恼作文 粗心的烦恼作文600字
every place has its own rules.like no talking,no eat or drink.our class has it too.let me tell you about it.每个地方都有规则。比如不许讲话,不许吃零食,不需喝东西之类的。我们的班级也有班规。
we also need to keep our classroom clean at all the time.Besides, we must respect our teachers and love our school.我们的班上有一些班规。老师定了这些班规好让我们在班上有良好的行为。
思想和仪表 Thoughts and instruments 1 、尊敬师长,团结同学,一切听从老师安排,如违反有关规章应谦虚接受批评,并做出书面检查。
First, a student must try to be polite. 首先,学生必须讲礼貌。
Dont eat in classroom 不要在教室里吃东西。Dont fight with chas***ate 不要和同学打架。Don‘t eat in the classroom 不要在课堂上吃东西。Don’t run in the corridor 不要在走廊上跑。
we also need to keep our classroom clean at all the time.Besides, we must respect our teachers and love our school.我们的班上有一些班规。老师定了这些班规好让我们在班上有良好的行为。
the classroom.Dont run or play football in the classroom.Don‘t color the hair and no long hair for boys.Don’t eat and throw the rubbish around in the classroom .专业翻译,请***纳,谢谢。
he will be punished. So no one in my class dare to h***e breakfast in the classroom.我们学校有校规,而且我们班也有班规。我们不可以在教室里面吃早餐。我们老师说如果我们在教室里面吃早餐的话我们会把书给弄脏的。
以下是三篇以《my school rules》为题的英语作文,供大家参考。第一篇英语作文 写作思路:介绍自己所在学校的规定和制度,重点描述其中的一些重要规定。
every place has its own rules.like no talking,no eat or drink.our class has it too.let me tell you about it.每个地方都有规则。比如不许讲话,不许吃零食,不需喝东西之类的。我们的班级也有班规。
get on well withthe teachers and students.在课堂上不乱讲话,要认真听老师讲课,不带食物进教室,保持教室安静、清洁。课后要按时完成作业。在学校要穿校服。保护学校的一草一木。与老师和同学友好相处。
How to be polite? 怎样讲礼貌呢?For example, when you meet the teachers, you should say hello or good morning to him immediately. 例如,如果你遇到老师,要立刻对他说你好或早上好。
Library rules ,图书馆规矩有很多,不能随便带食物到座位上面吃,不能随便大声讲话都是规矩。
1、we also need to keep our classroom clean at all the time. Besides, we must respect our teachers and love our school.我们的班规 我们的班上有一些班规。老师定了这些班规好让我们在班上有良好的行为。
2、the instructions and quickly get to work on the activity. You must do your own work. Cheating(***)will not be allowed.这几条给你借鉴下,希望对你有帮助o(∩_∩)o...如果是要班规的作文的话追问。
3、be put on school uniforms 必须穿好校服。Finish your homework on time 准时完成作业。Don’t be late for class 不要上课迟到。Do notes 认真做笔记。Listen the teacher carefully 认真听老师的。
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