责任的作文素材 关于责任的作文素材
I want to go to Paris, France touri***, legend there's a fantastic scene.
Paris is the capital and largest city, is also the political and cultural center of France. Paris is also the province, belong to 75 France France island sector. Paris metropolitan area is the largest European will be one. Historically, from all over the world come to Paris of the Young people h***e various dreams and ambitions, here they h***e dreams, and h***e had dis***ointed, however as what lillke has said: "Paris is a unique city."
Often look at movie story, has "the Eiffel Tower, the arc DE triomphe, etc" don't know don't think began to fantasies, what is the leading role in the sky of how difficult it is, the scene around how beautiful, can't express the beauty. Only from already experience. Just know how beautiful is found......
But it is an illusion, no experience, I think if one day, I definitely to not eat, sleep a few days on the legend of the Paris throughout.
她圆圆的脸,黑黑的头发,淡淡的眉毛下是一双炯炯有神的眼睛,忽闪忽闪的,有时东看西看,有时凝望着,似乎正想些什么。一张小嘴,有时滔滔不绝,有时则一声不响。只要见过她的人都说她非常可爱。 她也很搞笑,有一次,我在背李白的《静夜思》,她听了,就即兴对我们说了一首:“床前明月光,李白思故乡。回到他家乡,看到他老婆。”“哈哈哈……笑死人了!”大家被她逗得哈哈大笑,前仰后合,她却一脸认真,好像在说:有什么好笑的! 她不仅调皮、搞笑,也很爱读书。她看书的时候,除了翻书声,其他一点声音也没有,安静得就像一只猫。她看书的速度很快,一本“马小跳”我要看一个小时,而她却只需半小时就能看完。我也不知道她是怎样看的,不过,我知道这和她的专心致志是分不开的。 妹妹总是以我为目标。为了增强我们的体质,爸爸让我们在红梅公园锻炼长跑。每次长跑锻炼,她都咬紧牙关努力地跑着。她一面跑,一面嘴里还念念有词,为自己鼓劲,想追上我,甚至超越我。她争强好胜,不服输的精神让我佩服。 我爱我这可爱、调皮、好强、认真的妹妹。到此,以上就是小编对于去哪里玩作文的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于去哪里玩作文的2点解答对大家有用。